The Services provided by the GPA

  • To organise and co-ordinate the running of our schools throughout London where the Greek language, culture and religion are taught. The schools are attended by some 900 children, representing 80 classes per week, with 90 teachers and many volunteers. The schools run classes that range from nursery right through to A-level standard.
  • To continue our programme for providing special tuition to children under 5 years of age, and to those children who have special difficulties or who do not speak any Greek at home.
  • To run and maintain our Youth Clubs, and to continue to organise healthy activities for our young people in order keep them away from crime, by involving them in group activities, such as traditional dancing classes, music and drama, educational games and sports activities. These activities are invaluable in fostering a community spirit amongst our children, which helps to build a sense of belonging and inclusion.
  • To continue to organise a GPA youth choir, dance and theatre groups
  • English language classes on a weekly basis for adults who have relatively poor English and as a result lack the confidence to socialise, seek employment opportunities and develop their full potential.
  • Greek language classes for adults, who are 2nd or 3rd generation and hence did not receive full time education in the Greek language.
  • To continue to organise Tea and Coffee evening’s, specifically for mothers’ groups and senior citizens. These meetings are very popular and provide the opportunity to meet new people and make friends and help to maintain cultural traditions.
  • To organise special events for children i.e. "Exhibition of Work done at schools"; visits to museums and other places of interest; outings.
  • To organise events to celebrate important festivals, e.g. Christmas Celebrations, Vasilopitta, Easter Celebrations, Cypriot cultural festivals etc.
  • To organise seminars for the teachers to provide updates on curriculum, new methods, books etc.
  • To continue take part in London Greek Radio (LGR) Marathon, by organising events at schools and at our centre to raise money for children in need.
  • To continue to offer traditional dancing for adults.
  • To continue to offer keep fit classes.

Latest Posts

GPA D&D 2018 – Are you going?

The Annual GPA Dinner and Dance will take place on the 18th March 2018 at the GrandPalace, Wood Green.

If you would like to attend the Dinner and Dance please see your respective Greek School Committee members to purchase tickets for this exclusive event.

Not part of any of the Greek Schools but still interested, then please contact the GPA directly.

Would you like to advertise your School in the GPA D&D Brochure?  Then please contact the GPA directly for further instructions and pricing.


Goffs Greek School supporting the Union of Cypriots in Britain – Cyprus Independence Day celebrations

Goffs Greek School was invited to dance at the Union of Cypriots in Britain – Cyprus Independence Day celebrations on the 1st Oct 2017.

With such short notice the children had only a few hours to learn their dances the previous day.  Without much to say they performed well and the event organisers were very grateful that Goffs Greek School was able to help.

We would also like to thank the children and their parents for giving up their Sunday evening and supporting the community.

Video Link here

GPA Annual Dinner & Dance 12th March

If you haven’t heard about it, then you haven’t been to school recently!!

On the 12th March the GPA will be having its annual D&D.  This year it is being held at the Grand Palace, 242 High Road, Wood Green, London, N22 8JX.  Interested in attending please see your onsite Parents Committee members for further info – or just look in your child’s school bag as more than likely there will be some paperwork relating to the event in there.

If you cannot attend the evening in question, then how about sponsoring by purchasing a number of raffle tickets.  All monies raised is reinvested into the GPA and the schools under its arm.

Can everyone who will be in attendance please make sure they are seated for 4pm for a prompt serving of FOOD.


Look forward to seeing you all there.