GPA Dinner & Dance 2019

The GPA is proud to announce that the Dinner and Dance will be held on the 17th March 2019 at the ‘ The Grand Palace’, 242 Wood Green Road, N22 8JX at 4 pm.

All GPA schools are cordially invited to attend and grace us with their dancing skills.

If you would like to place an advert in our Annual Brochure please click here for the form.

Ticket prices for the evening are £20 for children and £35 for adults.  This includes soft drinks, beer and wines. Please speak to your individual School Treasurers who will organise receipts for payments and assist in table arrangements within your own school area.

There will also be a raffle on the evening. Tickets are priced at £5 per pack or £1 per ticket.  These can also be purchased from your local Greek School, and will also be handed out to all children in due course, so please check their bags on a regular basis.

The GPA and its members look forward to welcoming you on the evening for an enjoyable evening full of entertainment, live music and good food.

Letter to Parents\Carers